Kansas City
Kendo Club

© Copyright April 19th 2012 John Drakey



The Kansas City Kendo Club is a member of both the Midwest Kendo Federation and the All United States Kendo Federation and is dedicated to spreading the discipline of the Japanese Sword as practiced in Kendo with as many people as possible.

Our dojo meets outside in a park. Class is therefor subject to the weather (no class when there is lightning). We practice all year even in the rain and the snow.

Class is Free. We do not charge for class time nor instruction.

Students are expected to purchase their own Shinai (bamboo sword), Bokken (wooden sword) and other equipment/uniform/armor as they progress in the discipline.

Class activities vary depending on who shows up. Activities include class bow in and out, warm up drills, basics techniques, Kata and sparring.



Location is at Brookridge Park next to the Brookridge Elementary School.

Address is at 101st Street and Lowell, Overland Park, Kansas

Parking is along the street in front of the parking lots.



Wednesday Evening 6:30 - 9:00

Saturday Morning 10:00 - 1:00PM



John Drakey Sensei

John Drakey Sensei is a Sandan (3rd Dan). He received his Ikkyu (1st Kyu) unofficially in the United States. He later earned his Ikkyu (officially), Shodan (1st Dan), and Nidan (2nd Dan) in Japan as a member of the All Japan Kendo Federation (AJKF). He recently received his Sandan at the 17th annual MWKF Shinsa in LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

Also the creator of this mobile site.


  • This space reserved for announcements about class cancellations and up coming demonstrations and festivals.



To be determined as needed.